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2.11.0 (2025-03-11)

Bug Fixes


2.10.0 (2025-02-19)


2.9.0 (2025-02-05)

Bug Fixes


  • Add media modal to overview & restyle rules (#1505) (6601709)
  • Added a boolean check for watchlisted status (#1506) (41b5c37)

2.8.0 (2025-01-14)

Bug Fixes

  • Has series/season finale should only pass when file exists (#1502) (00e0255)


  • Add "Last episode aired at (season)" for episodes (#1491) (fecf360)

2.7.0 (2025-01-05)

Bug Fixes

  • Equals with lists now only returns true if they are identical (e900dac)


  • Add rating vote count filters (05617e1)

2.6.0 (2025-01-01)

Bug Fixes


  • Add rating filters (RT, IMDb, Trakt) (4b79f56)

2.5.0 (2024-12-30)

Bug Fixes

  • *arr server not persisting on initial save (#1475) (8ace636)
  • Client side error when changing rule data/media type (2e086b2)
  • Resolve various UI & UX issues (#1452) (354b903)


  • Add season has season/series finale episode (f53d094)
  • Add season number filter (f0fd71e)

2.4.1 (2024-12-25)

Bug Fixes

  • Do not reset collection on *arr server change (#1467) (6bcc45e)

2.4.0 (2024-12-20)

Bug Fixes

  • Community rules & incorrect out of date (#1448) (1797104)
  • Media type selection not reflecting what is saved (#1444) (47a9651)


2.3.1 (2024-12-17)

Bug Fixes

  • Container startup failing for some (3a18d2e)

2.3.0 (2024-12-17)

Bug Fixes

  • PATH_PREFIX not replaced when using user directive (#1394) (9b237ea)
  • changed all docs URLs to match new docs URL generations. (c8161a3)
  • Docker startup (ce4e7ad)
  • error when overseerr URL is null (a2aeb99)
  • Handling collections failure after multi arr (e299c15)
  • Ignore Plex smart collections due to library corruption (#1355) (7cf6780)
  • lint issues (149dc78)
  • Only allow saving successfully tested settings (bd88567)
  • package.json: lint:server script (575a6c5)
  • Remove cached arr API client on setting changes (3081105)
  • Revert defaulting to ipv6 (8ee4888)
  • Sonarr media existence check in collection handling (8cd0030)
  • Trim trailing slash in Overseerr URL (d3dab2d)


  • Add "Original Language" rule to Sonarr & Radarr (#1407) (bf6bf49)
  • Add "Show on library recommended" option (ccc13ba)
  • Add base path support (#1373) (9597bfa)
  • Add envars to control service ports (#1333) (b418975)
  • Support mutiple *arr servers (156aca1)

2.2.1 (2024-11-06)

Bug Fixes

  • Saving rules when Tautulli not configured (7f1211e)

2.2.0 (2024-11-05)

Bug Fixes

  • Add additional Tautulli rules (#1287) (e3bb69e)
  • Added Curl in the Docker-container so users can create healthchecks (#1288) (1aff795)
  • Align Tautulli username results with Overseerr (#1339) (5bab5d9)
  • Changed the hostname to :: to enable ipv6 compatibility (#1259) (a0f93d4)
  • Collection details not showing in Safari (#1316) (1e89cf6)
  • Plex cache reset handling if not all apps configured (#1291) (09003c1)
  • Tautulli Times viewed & Total views (#1290) (3f41a3c)


2.1.2 (2024-09-13)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the 'Viewed by' rule for the server owner for movies. This was already fixed for TV shows in 2.1.1 (#1266) (a41e8ab)

2.1.1 (2024-09-09)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where 'Users that saw all available episodes' & 'Users that watch the show/season/episode' wouldn't work for the owner user after 2.1.0 (#1252) (bf8c2d3)
  • The server no longer crashes when rate limits have been hit. Also improved logging and increased API paging chunks to minimize the occurrence of this error. (#1253) (8227f8c)
  • When a Tvdb ID isn't found, a warning with the media item's title is now displayed (fb27332)

2.1.0 (2024-09-02)

Bug Fixes

  • Added extra error handling to Overseerr's isRequested rule (#1232) (dc42a98)
  • Fetching movies by tmdbId no longer utilizes Radarr's lookup endpoint (#1214) (1a84b8c)
  • Fixed an issue where Overseerr's 'requested by' rule failed to fetch the Plex user when the user uses a display name (a4422f5)
  • Fixed an issue where Overseerr's 'requested by' rule failed to fetch the Plex user when the user uses a display name (#1231) (9f1cc65)
  • Fixed Radarr file size rule, when 'sizeOnDisk' is not available, it'll now fall back to movieFile.size (#1205) (1aac50b)
  • Improved logging when media is not removable through *arr (#1177) (074c7c3)
  • Improved Overseerr rule logs in case of failures (#1178) (f6466e3)


  • Added an integration with the Plex community API and introduced a 'Plex - Watchlisted by' rule utilizing this endpoint (#1152) (1ebba97)

2.0.4 (2024-06-19)

Bug Fixes

  • Added "Last Aired At" rule for shows & seasons (Thanks @benfugate) (63db845)
  • Adjusted UI to listen to all interfaces, resolving issues with multiple networks (#1104) (017a25d)
  • Fixed an issue where .next/cache directory creation would fail when using a custom user (#1102) (fa9a30c)
  • Fixed an issue where fetching some Plex ratingkeys from shows would fail (2268513)
  • Fixed an issue where having an operator on the first rule would make the rule return a 'null' value (ce18dea)
  • Redirected all links to the hosted documentation & removed the internal Jsdoc documentation server (#1134) (0ed8164), closes #1119 #1119 #1119 #1119

2.0.3 (2024-03-25)

Bug Fixes

  • Automatically prepend https for Overseerr, Sonarr and Radarr when choosing port 443 (1616cfd)
  • Ensure proper URL generation on the settings pages by handling the pathname in hostnames correctly (f8a80a7)
  • Fixed an issue where episodes would only be deleted, but not unmonitored when using the 'Unmonitor and delete episode' rule action (#943) (070b381)
  • rules: Season action 'unmonitor and delete existing episodes' will now correctly remove and unmonitor existing episodes. The season itself will stay monitored. (#951) (c5a135b)
  • Shows will now be correctly unmonitored when using the 'unmonitor..' Sonarr action. Previously, only the seasons would be unmonitored (e6bff13)

2.0.2 (2024-02-11)

Bug Fixes

  • Failure to fetch latest GitHub version crashes the UI (#891) (4ce9ac9)

2.0.1 (2024-02-09)

Bug Fixes

  • docker: ensure $HOME is set consistently for all configs. (f952bba)
  • Resolve SQL error during Plex collection recreation (be1b801)
  • Resolved an issue where Plex's SSL flag would not be updated correctly on the settings page (d65927a)

2.0.0 (2024-02-02)

Bug Fixes

  • build: Added a workaround for the 'Text file busy' error when using an old Linux kernel on the Docker host. (19f75bd)
  • collection handling: Ensure media not found in Starr apps is still deleted if required by the Starr action (#812) (d55bfe2)
  • docker: Improved flexibility by enabling custom users with the Docker 'user' directive. The previous implementation restricted this to the 'node' user (496401f)
  • Move the supervisord.log file to the data directory (#777) (cd5df98)
  • rules: Addressed an issue where certain collection-related rules exhibited unexpected behavior when media was added to other groups in the same run (56c133a)
  • rules: Fixed an issue where the 'Plex - present in amount of other collections' rule wouldn't work with custom collections (493a3ea)
  • rules: Resolved an issue where the 'Overseerr - Requested by user' rule didn't work for local Overseerr users (#822) (5391538)
  • rules: Resolved an issue where the Sonarr status rule was incorrectly mapped and couldn't function (a4bb4df)
  • settings: Resolved an issue where updated cron schedules were not visible on the UI until the application was reloaded (87a2091)
  • tasks: Improved task management by limiting the simultaneous execution of rule and collection handler tasks to one. Additionally, ensured that collection handling cannot occur concurrently with rule handling (bb3d16c)
  • ui: Added feedback to the manual rule & collection handling buttons (f1183c0)

Code Refactoring

  • add data directory permission check (bbced56)
  • Updated UI Docker port to use non-privileged port 6246 (4751079)


  • Added the ability to test media items against a rule, returning a detailed execution breakdown (72cf392)
  • collections: Added a collection info screen with details and history logs & enhanced TypeORM Implementation, shifted running of migrations to the NestJS Process. (e260985)
  • collections: Added an indicator to the collection media card that an item was added manually (12a4cb2)
  • collections: Added exclusions to the collection detail screen (76d29ef)
  • Implemented Winston logger for improved logging. Daily log rotation has been introduced, and logs are now stored under the /opt/data/logs directory (0e3ab51)
  • rules: Introduced the capability to import and export rules using YAML. Additionally, included a rule glossary in the documentation. (97c52d4)
  • rules: Added new rule: Plex - [list] Labels (1c5a89a)
  • rules: Added new variants of the existing collection rules for seasons and episodes, these will include collection data of the parent season/show as well (#813) (9d91b4a)
  • rules: Introduced Radarr & Sonarr rules to retrieve file locations (#814) (5963c74)
  • Run application as non-root (006a122)
  • settings: Added the ability to find and load available Plex servers from the settings menu (#811) (9c75917)
  • ui: Added a version indicator (#807) (a126561)
  • Upgraded to Yarn modern, improved the docker image size and added a contribution guide (#770) (6233b71)


  • The container now runs as an unprivileged user. It is essential to ensure that the exposed data directory is read/writeable by either the user specified in the 'user' directive or, if no directive is provided, by the default UID:GID 1000:1000.
  • Previously, the UI port was set to port 80, which is privileged. This has been updated to non-privileged port 6246. Ensure to adjust your Dockerfile or docker run command to reflect this change.

1.7.1 (2024-01-06)

Bug Fixes

  • maintenance: Extended the maintenance task with an action to remove orphaned collection objects (f5826cc)
  • plex: Fixed an issue where fetching Plex users would fail if connection to failed (2458a8f)
  • rules: Extended the Plex - rating rule (ef95481)
  • rules: Fixed an issue where 'Plex - Present in amount of other collections' wouldn't work as expected (1c4accd)
  • rules: Fixed an issue where an item would be stuck inside the internal collection when it was removed manually (1eae15f)
  • rules: Fixed an issue where the "Plex - Last episode added at" rule order was affected by the library's Plex Episode Sorting setting (67299c4)
  • rules: Resolved an issue where a nullpointer could occur when fetching playlists. (a0400b8)

1.7.0 (2023-12-21)

Bug Fixes

  • api: added a 10s cancellation signal for outgoing status API calls (3766b34)
  • collection handler: Improved handling of movies without Tmdb ID's in Plex metadata. (9df2cd4)
  • collectionHandler: Fixed an issue where a media item without a tvdb id could crash te server (c70bead)
  • overview: Reworked the overview add popup. It's now possible to manually add & remove seasons and episodes (99329b2)
  • Plex: Add container-size header to API calls that missed it (069c281)
  • rules: Fixed an issue where errors would be printed in the log when handling a show without a valid tvdb id (e2ad5e1)
  • rules: Fixed an issue where Plex & Overseerr would use different usernames when the Plex display name was edited or contains special characters (39c9529)
  • settings: Resolved an issue where resetting the Plex authentication token would fail (17333e4)
  • sonarr: Fixed an issue where fetching series by TVDB ID could fail (9866534)
  • tmdb: Fixed an issue where an error could occur while trying to fetch the TMDB ID from an item (bc5b918)


  • maintenance: Added a job that performs system maintenance tasks (15b0b19)
  • overview: Reworked the exclusion feature to support season and episodes from the UI (ee59907)

1.6.10 (2023-11-23)

Bug Fixes

  • settings: Fixed an issue where initial Radarr & Sonarr configuration would crash the client (94dfcff)
  • ui: Collection backdrop images now also leverage the configured caching option (d28b530)
  • ui: Replace leftover Image components with CachedImage (c8d172f)

1.6.9 (2023-11-21)

Bug Fixes

  • api: Enhanced the external API caching mechanism to minimize redundant calls to external applications (478da57)
  • rules: Added 2 rules for filtering Plex playlists (e6f6621)
  • settings: Added the ability to configure arr's with base URL (5a94ac6)
  • settings: Added the ability to configure the cron rule & collection handler jobs (3121cf6)
  • settings: Implemented the capability to customize the image caching behavior (126881b)

1.6.8 (2023-11-14)

Bug Fixes

  • rules: Added new rule 'Is part of latest aired/airing season' (2f78a54)
  • rules: Alter the CONTAINS behavior so it now validates for partial matches (a04fec2)
  • rules: Introduced the capability to detect partial text matches within text lists through the newly added 'Contains (Partial list match)' operator. (5ee4c69)
  • rules: Introduced the capability to include text lists in custom values using JSON notation (aa0b229)

1.6.7 (2023-10-29)

Bug Fixes

  • settings: Fixed an issue where initial configuration could fail (3bec671)
  • ui: Collection cards now scale correctly (829e8a1)

1.6.6 (2023-10-27)

Bug Fixes

  • rules: Added Sonarr rules: 'Has unaired episodes', 'Number of monitored seasons / episodes' & 'Season has unaired episodes' (71c3b25)
  • ui: Improve media card spacing on different screen sizes (8bd6f97)
  • ui: The back button & searchbar now have a glass background (6fcee47)
  • ui: The header back button is now the global return button. And the temporary collection detail 'rewind' button is gone (1042de6)

1.6.5 (2023-10-24)

Bug Fixes

  • docker: Added all components to a supervisor so component crashes are mitigated (2ccc73d)
  • rules: Fixed an issue where 'OR' would not work as expected when used in rules (instead of sections) (ef191b3)
  • rules: Fixed an issue where switching first values of the same type would not keep the previous second value, and could cause a corrupt rule (e4fe5c1)
  • rules: Fixed an issue where undefined return values during rule execution could crash the server (a152251)
  • rules: Improved Sonarr log messages (c944e2d)
  • rules: Improved the tvdb ID fallback mechanism for Sonarr rule values in case the tvdb ID is missing from Plex (abd3dc8)
  • settings: Fixed an issue where uppercase characters in hostname settings could cause a failure in communication (a7f6351)

1.6.4 (2023-10-10)

Bug Fixes

  • rules: Added clarification to the 'show on home' flag during rule creation (2d4792d)
  • rules: Fetching the watchHistory could throw an error when using the 'People that view show/season' rule (9a1a3d6)
  • rules: Fixed some minor issues with NOT_CONTAINS & NOT_EQUALS (fa08cbc)

1.6.3 (2023-10-05)

Bug Fixes

  • rules: Fixed an issue where contains would not work as expected when comparing 2 lists (fd640e9)

1.6.2 (2023-09-22)

Bug Fixes

  • collections: Added a 7 second timeout to the availability-sync trigger (a662eda)
  • rules: Changed the default Overseer behavior to rely more on availability-sync. Added the option to trigger the old behavior (force remove requests) (39f890c)
  • rules: Fixed an issue where not all rules would be available in the rule dropdown (5f589e6)
  • rules: Improved 'amount of collections' & added the 'Collections media is present in' rule values (1ffb69b)

1.6.1 (2023-09-19)

Bug Fixes

  • rules: Fixed an issue where list exclusions would always be checked (9280100)

1.6.0 (2023-09-18)

Bug Fixes

  • rules & collections: Fixed rule & collection handling issues when not all apps were configured (54a25d5)
  • rules: Fix a problem where Sonarr's date rules don't work as expected (d271fb0)
  • rules: Fixed an issue where rule handling would fail when the Plex collection was manually removed. The collection will now get recreated. (65f551d)
  • settings: Disabled configuration of apps while Plex is not yet configured (69def0c)


  • rules: Added the possibility to add removed media to *arr's list exclusion (37b511a)

1.5.0 (2023-09-15)


  • rules: Add possibility to unmonitor shows & movies without removing the files (f41c2e8)
  • rules: added the ability to create rules for seasons & episodes (#474) (b6e8a6c)

1.4.2 (2023-08-09)

Bug Fixes

  • rules: Fixed an issue where 'all episodes seen by' would not always work correctly after PR #438 (9862b48)

1.4.1 (2023-08-01)

Bug Fixes

  • plex-api: fixed a problem where the initial creation of a Plex collection would fail (a06f261)
  • rules: fix a problem where "all available episodes seen by" not returned correctly when episode 1 of season 1 is not present (2d890cc)
  • rules: Fix a problem where booleans would always default to 'true' when editing rules (bd6a68e)
  • rules: Fix a problem where the sonarr action would always default to the first option when editing rules (811ef66)
  • ui: fixed an issue where the collection's library picker would behave wrong (b6c5f83)

1.4.0 (2023-02-21)

Bug Fixes

  • docs: fixed some documentation typo's (331261f)
  • rules & collections: improve error handling (9746045)
  • rules: fix a problem where media couldn't get added anymore when something unexpected had happened to the Plex collection (f0dcea7)


  • rules & collections: Manual Plex collections now auto sync with Maintainerr (2a52436)
  • rules: add the possibility to bypass Maintainerr's rule system. (b037d11)

1.3.2 (2023-01-21)

Bug Fixes

  • app doesn't crash anymore on some raddar/sonnarr api errors (f1a25e1)
  • collections: Add extra add / removal logs in case of failure (1d2a6e2)
  • collection: Set machineId when needed if it wasn't set during boot (e.g. Plex wasn't available) (0189670)
  • docs: added the need to disable Overseer's 'Enable CSRF Protection' setting to the docs (256bd48)
  • modal: fix a problem where a missing image symbol could be shown in some modals (4738732)
  • overseerr: fix a problem where Overseerr media would only be cleared if a request exists (b31e68d)
  • ui: collection background images are now correctly shown again (5b5e182)

1.3.1 (2022-11-19)

Bug Fixes

  • collections: Fix an issue where collections might not be deleted when empty. This results in a failure to add new media (e3c6e1f)
  • collections: fix log errors when trying to remove media from an already empty collection (b7f89f2)

1.3.0 (2022-09-30)

Bug Fixes

  • community rules: Close modal after upload (473e732)
  • community rules: Improve spacing on community upload modal (9cf575a)
  • community rules: Only show rules matching the selected library type (c485a98)
  • docs: docker compose yml spaces (5b18322)


  • community rules: Add the possibility to load & upload rules made by the community (6eebeac)

1.2.3 (2022-06-29)

Bug Fixes

  • build: fix armv7 build issues (073378c)

1.2.2 (2022-06-10)

Bug Fixes

  • ui: searchbar too wide after latest tailwind update (db0cd88)

1.2.1 (2022-05-09)

Bug Fixes

  • rules: selecting boolean now auto sets value to 'true' (39b90f0)
  • settings: obfuscate api keys (1ad9b0a)
  • ui: hide navbar on initial load (1c551a2)

1.2.0 (2022-05-06)

Bug Fixes

  • settings: fix missing plex auth key when saved after authentication (d64fa8c)
  • ui: docs button on each setting page (a58cc85)
  • ui: white background on input fields after tailwind upgrade (3c27c24)


  • rules: add 'is requested in overseerr' option (2c3d469)
  • rules: new boolean custom type (5a08fae)

1.1.2 (2022-05-04)

Bug Fixes

  • migration: remove logic to move db from old location (1da6474)
  • overview: suppress image not found error (7390a50)

1.1.1 (2022-05-04)

Bug Fixes

  • docker: add ormconfig during build step (97d4411)
  • docker: add sharp during build step (7887612)
  • docker: fix sharp install during docker build (f54cb2a)
  • docker: set timeout during yarn install to unlimited (71a61f8)

1.1.0 (2022-05-03)

Bug Fixes

  • babel: inconsistency in .babelrc (f92fb5a)
  • deps: remove semantic-release-docker-buildx dep (b97e13c)
  • release: Remove buildx build steps from release (6c19466)
  • Use force on npm install of UI (bf5f933)


  • release: add multibranch build step (b993dd2)